Imanbayeva Akzhunis Altayevna

Imanbayeva Akzhunis Altayevna

Imanbayeva Akzhunis Altayevna, PhD in Biological Sciences, the General Director of “Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden” RSE of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scientific field – the introduction of woody plants, study of natural flora, creation of landscape-collector plants and development of software and computer support for botanical research. She was Academic Advisor of 5 scientific and technical target-oriented programs and 12 grant projects, including 2 international ones (small joint grants of the UN and with scientists from the Baicheng Academy of Forestry, Jilin Province, PRC).

Based on the results of the completed STP, 3 patents for utility models and 4 Certificates for “PLANT-EST-KZ” and “Feno-S” (2020) computer programs were obtained, 4 monographs were released, and 57 scientific articles were published, including in journals included in Scopus and Web of Science databases.