The program is current as of September 5, 2024 and will be updated.
Saint-Petersburg September 11-13, 2024

St. Petersburg, Peter and Paul Fortress
Atrium of the Commandant's House
The conference program
XVII International Сonference "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment. Preservation of the city identity through development"
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
During registration, a coffee break will be organized for all participants of the conference
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
Moderator:Kanunnikova Larisa Viktorovna
the Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Improvement of St. Petersburg, PhD in Architecture, St. Petersburg c., RFGREETING TO CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS
Beglov Alexander Dmitriyevich
the Governor of St. PetersburgTalalaikina Yuliya Viktorovna
the Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Projects of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the RF, Moscow, RFLapshin Andrey Vitaliyevich
The President of the International BRICS Parks Forum, a Member of the Council of the Association of Parks of Russia, the Chairman of the Subcommittee “Park Management and Maintenance of Public Space” of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF, PhD in Economics, Moscow c., RFYuandong Hu
Professor, the Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, ChinaAtrium of the Commandant’s House
Moderator:Cherdantseva Olga Albertovna
The Head of the Competence center for the formation of a comfortable urban environment in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg c., RFGreetings to the participants of the strategic session
Volftrub Taisiya Iosifovna
The President of the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia (ALAROS), Moscow, RFGreen Infrastructure as a Basis for Sustainable Development of the City. PhD in Biological Sciences, the Director of RUDN Agrarian and Technological Institute
Dovletyarova Elvira Anvarbekovna
The Director of the Agrarian and Technological Institute RUDN, First Vice-President of the Association "ALAROS", Vice-President of the Association «Guild of Landscape Engineers», candidate of Biological Science, Moscow c., RFFormation of a Sustainable Strategy for the Urban Environment
Kanunnikova Larisa Viktorovna
The Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Improvement of St. Petersburg, PhD in Architecture, St. Petersburg c., RFHow to make a city park a center of attraction for local residents and tourists?
Lapshin Andrey Vitaliyevich
The President of the International BRICS Parks Forum, a Member of the Council of the Association of Parks of Russia, the Chairman of the Subcommittee “Park Management and Maintenance of Public Space” of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF, PhD in Economics, Moscow c., RFPreserving the heart of the city as a Catalyst for a Dynamic Identity: The Case of Doha, Qatar
Ali Alrauf
PhD in Architecture Theory and Urban Planning. Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the HBKU, the Head of Creative Urban Studio, International Expert in the field of the Sustainable Development and Urban Planning. Doha c., QatarDevelopment of parks and public spaces as a key trend in the formation of a comfortable urban environment
Tsukanov Denis Sergeyevich
The Director of the Association of Parks of Russia, a Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of Russia for FCUE, the Head of ParkSeason Expo, the largest park exhibition of the RF, Moscow c., RFGreen framework as a value and cultural code of the development of the urban planning potential of the territory
Semyonova Viktoria Viktorovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Architect of the Russian Federation, Expert of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg c., RFImprovement of the Moscow Region
Afanasenkov Yevgeny Leonidovich
The First Deputy Minister of Improvement of the Moscow Region. Moscow c., RFStylization or new forms as a way to preserve the identity of the historical environment
Mikhailov Aleksey Vladimirovich
The Acting Chairman of the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. St. Petersburg, RFPriority areas for transformation of the architectural environment of St. Petersburg in order to increase urban amenities
Kramskova Elena Viktorovna
Acting Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Urban Development and Architecture, St. Petersburg, RFRegenerating Dilapidated Urban Fabric through Urban Catalyst Projects in Iranian Cities
Azin Alipour Tabrizi
Academic expert and research scholar in urban planning and design, Advisor to Asian Mayors Forum Secretary General (AMF SG) in Urban Planning Affairs. Tehran c., IranLEAVING FOR LUNCH AND CITY BUS TOUR
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
Coffee break
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
Moderator:Golosova Elena Vladimirovna
The Head of the Laboratory of Landscape Architecture and Ethnobotanical Research, the Chief Research Worker of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden – the National Scientific Center of the RAS, the Chairman of the Commission on Landscape Architecture of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and the CIS countries, Professor of the St. Petersburg Forest Technical and Crimean Federal Universities. Yalta c., Crimea, RFKitsch in the Modern Landscape of Residential Areas
Golosova Elena Vladimirovna
The Head of the Laboratory of Landscape Architecture and Ethnobotanical Research, the Chief Research Worker of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden – the National Scientific Center of the RAS, the Chairman of the Commission on Landscape Architecture of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and the CIS countries, Professor of the St. Petersburg Forest Technical and Crimean Federal Universities. Yalta c., Crimea, RFFuture of public spaces
Sasan Abrari
Architect & Project manager of the architectural bureau «Diba Tense Architecture»Urban Development Aspects of Natural Areas Development
Musayev Timur Isamutdinovich
Leading architect of the Architectural and Design Workshop No. 3 of the Unified Institute of Spatial Planning of the RF, a Member of the Union of Architects of the RF, Mentor of MARKHI Scientific Association. Moscow c., RFUrban environment as a tool for preserving the identity of territories: maintaining traditions and expanding opportunities
Aliev Salambek Alimbekovich
Director of the Institute of Construction, Architecture and Design of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Gubkin State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov”, Grozny, Russian FederationTerekhova Ekaterina Dmitrievna
The Head of the Regional Competence Center for Urban Environment Issues in the Chechen Republic, Grozny, Russian FederationBolshaya Laksty facility, implemented by Zenit Arena JSC
Kruglov Sergey Nikolayevich
The Director of Design and Development of “Zenit-Arena” JSC. St. Petersburg c., RFMethods of reconstruction of historical public spaces of the architectural ensemble along Independence Avenue in Minsk
Aksyonova Anna Alekseevna
Chief project architect of the UE «Minskproekt» landscape architecture workshop, Minsk, Republic of BelarusFormation of an Image of St. Petersburg through the Sense of Space
Mukhin Alexey Viktorovich
The Director of the Boarding School No. 1 named after K.K. Grot, the Honored Teacher of the RF; Expert of the Working Group of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on Disabled People; Expert of the Expert Council on Education of Disabled People and Persons with Disabilities under the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education; a Member of the Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on Education of Persons (Disabled Children) with Disabilities. St. Petersburg, RFReview of Skate Areas. Potential for its Development in St. Petersburg
Demidov Viktor Aleksandrovich
The Founder of the School of Extreme Sports, Street Schools online project. Presenter, organizer of extreme events and shows. Producer. Director. Extreme Roller. The Champion of St. Petersburg, Prize Winner of Russia in Roller Sports. St. Petersburg, RFDevelopment of Infrastructure for Dog Owners in St. Petersburg. Challenges & Solutions
Shevchenko Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Veterinarian, the Head of the Regional Federation of Sports and Applied Dog Breeding, Instruction Coordinator of “Service Dog” ANO, President of the Regional Physical Education and Sports Public Organization “Federation of Sports and Applied Dog Breeding of the Leningrad Region”. St. Petersburg, RFIncreasing the safety of bicycle-pedestrian traffic in urban environment (comfort = safety)
Bakalyuk Olga Vyacheslavovna
Development Director of Asphalt Concrete Plant No. 1 - ABZ-1 JSC, St. Petersburg c., RFConference Hall of the Museum of Cosmonautics
Moderator:Ignatyeva Mariya Evgeniyevna
Professor of the St. Petersburg Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg, RFGoals and Prospects of URBIO – the International Network “Urban Biodiversity & Design”
Ignatyeva Mariya Evgeniyevna
Professor of the St. Petersburg Forest Technical University, St. Petersburg, RFEcological Crisis and Habitat Loss in Cities. How Landscape Architects Can Bring Nature Back to the City
Yuandong Hu
Professor. The Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture, the Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, ChinaComparative Landscape; an Approach to Place-Oriented Development
Arash Taqipour Akhtari
Ph.D student in Development Management (Spatial sustainable development), and Editor-in-Chief of Urban Management Journal. Master of Sustainable Architecture from Tehran University, and Master of Building Governance from Allameh Tabataba'i University.Integrated system of environmental monitoring
Serebritsky Ivan Aleksandrovich
The Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Committee for Nature Management. St. Petersburg c., RFCreation of ecotrails as a way to improve urban forests and parks
Kalyagina Natalia Anatolyevna
A Member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation (VOOP), the Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg City and Leningrad Regional Branches of VOOP. St. Petersburg, RFScientific and practical approaches to landscaping in arid conditions of Kazakhstan and modern problems
Imanbayeva Akzhunis Altayevna
The Director of the Botanical Garden in Aktau. Aktau c., KazakhstanEcological Research in Historical Gardens
Zhukova Ekaterina Alekseevna
The Head of the Sector for Accounting and Monitoring of Green Plants in Gardens of the Russian Museum. PhD in Biology. St. Petersburg. RFBiosphere-centric lighting in parks and public spaces using the example of Galitsky Park
Zabiyakin Pavel Vladimirovich
The Deputy Director of the «Saros» Group of Companies, St. Petersburg, Russian FederationLEAVING FOR LUNCH & TOUR TO THE TOWN OF KRONSTADT
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
Coffee break
Atrium of the Commandant’s House
Moderator:Cherdantseva Olga Albertovna
The Head of the Competence center for the formation of a comfortable urban environment in St. PetersburgTrends in landscape architecture and implemented projects of municipalities
Demurova Tatyana Valerievna
The Deputy Head of the Competence Center for the formation of a comfortable urban environment in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, Russian FederationPractices of Participatory Budgeting
Shchepetova Lyubov Eduardovna
Expert of the “Strong Ideas for a New Time” Forum, expert of the Club of Strategic Initiatives of St. Petersburg in the sphere of “Regional and Urban Development”, St. Petersburg, RFOn the need for long-term planning and building materials for the formation of a comfortable urban environment
Bezmaternykh Aleksandr Viktorovich
The Chairman of the Board of APMP (Association of Planting Material Producers), member of the working group on the water-green urban framework of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the Head of the nursery «Flower City», Moscow, RFDecorative plants as a means of expressing local identity of the city in cultural and environmental aspects
Legenchuk Natalia Nikolaevna
The Head of the working group of the APMP (Association of Planting Material Producers) for cooperation with botanical gardens, Head of the nursery «Archetype of the Forest», St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, RFMobile Improvement and Landscaping
Zorina Maria Sergeevna
The Director of Berkano Manufacturing Company, St. Petersburg c., RFSmart & Safe playgrounds for children
Petrov Aleksey Aleksandrovich
The General Director of “Beautiful City” Company of Children’s and Sports Equipment, St. Petersburg, RFChildhood in the city. Comfortable urban environment through the eyes of a child. Game and development
Antonov Lev Valerievich
Managing partner of the «Kamenny Vek» Group of Companies, St. Petersburg, Russian FederationThe role of paving in designing a visually comfortable urban environment. Modern solutions in the structure of the green framework
Bakhtigaraev Damir Magsutovich
The Head of project supervision at LLC «Vybor Trade House», St. Petersburg, RFPlaygrounds: modern solutions and individual approach
Zaripov Ramil Rustamovich
The Deputy General Director of the «Shelby» Company, Moscow c., RF"Garden through Time" festival: the park sites landscaped under the FCGS (Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment federal project) program
Smolyanskaya Galina Vladimirovna
Head of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Zelenogorsk Park of Culture and Recreation"Lunch
Conference speakers
Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment
Preservation of the city identity through development